Please note this page was updated on 07 Jan 2025. Some other marketing material may have a different date of birth to this page. This one contains the correct dates.
Youth Participants
Youth Participants are all young people who will be a member of the New Zealand Contingent.
You need to be born between 30 July 2009 and 31 July 2013 inclusive (i.e. minimum age 14 years and not have had your 18th Birthday).
You need to be an invested member of SCOUTS Aotearoa in either the Scouts or Venturer section.
Due to the expansive nature of the site, a good level of fitness is required.
Must be recommended as suitable to attend by your Scout/Venturer Leader and Group Leader.
Adult Troop Leader
Troop leaders are members of the New Zealand Contingent who will be with the Youth Participants throughout the International Tour and at the Jamboree.
Be a registered member of SCOUTS Aotearoa
Must be recommended as suitable to attend by your Group Leader or next role up from you.
Due to the expansive nature of the site, a good level of fitness is required.
To be selected as a Troop Leader you should have demonstrated experience with the Scout/Venturer section age group and ideally have past Jamboree/Venture experience.
Troop Leaders will be selected by the Contingent Management Team, based on their previous experience, their ability to work with Scout/Venturer aged youth and their ability to run a successful Contingent. There are quotas as prescribed by the Jamboree Organising Committee.
International Service Team (IST)
IST are members of the New Zealand Contingent who will come along to the International Tour and will help run the World Scout Jamboree. You will be appointed a role by the World Scout Jamboree Organising Committee closer to the event.
You need to be born before or on 30 July 2009.
Be a registered member of SCOUTS Aotearoa as a Venturer, Rover, an Adult Leader, or an Adult Supporter.
Must be recommended as suitable to attend by your Group Leader or next role up from you.
Due to the expansive nature of the site, a good level of fitness is required.
IST Members approved by the Contingent Management Team may not necessarily be approved to attend the Jamboree by the Jamboree Organising Committee where a suitable role is not found.
IST Members will be selected to meet the required quotas as prescribed by the Jamboree Organising Committee.