Information Session Review
1 October 2021
It’s been great to meet some of the faces of those who are planning on coming along to the 2023 World Scout Jamboree in South Korea. We’ve had four very successful information sessions in Auckland, Wellington and two online as our Christchurch one had to be moved due to COVID-19.
It was great to see the numbers that came along to the sessions and really showed everyone's eagerness for an adventure overseas - maybe due to being cooped up in Aotearoa is the reasoning.
We’ve put the content that we shared in the Resources Section of our website if you want to know what was discussed. Feel free to use it within your own Groups to help promote the event.
If we compare the numbers to last time, there's a chance that we’ll have even more participants than in the US. For context we had 62 participants last time - 40 youth, 5 Unit Leaders, 14 International Services Team and 3 Contingent Management Team.
Thanks to the Contingent Management Team who helped pull it all together and also the dozen or so who came along from past World Jamboree to help share the experience. It’s really appreciated!
We’re looking forward to seeing your registration come in before the end of November.
Ngā mihi
Justin Stewart
New Zealand Contingent Leader
24th World Scout Jamboree